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Kate Kernan Doerge and family recently launched Penny’s Flight Foundation in celebration of the extraordinary life of their daughter Penny Doerge and the qualities she personified—joy, artistic expression and humor—while bravely living with Neurofibromatosis (NF1). As an infant, Penny was diagnosed with NF1, and underwent fifteen surgeries throughout her sixteen years of life. It was her indomitable spirit and affable personality that would keep many from ever realizing all she endured medically.

NF1 is one of the most common gene disorders, affecting 30 to 40 in 100,000 births worldwide. The effects of the disorder are wide ranging, from light brown skin spots to benign growths under the skin, to – in Penny’s case – malignant brain tumors. Once diagnosed with NF1, there is no way to predict which symptoms of the disease a person will develop or the severity of those symptoms. NF research has been chronically underfunded, despite how common it is. Kate believes Penny lived her life’s purpose and now the Doerges are living theirs to carry on her legacy and help other families affected by NF. The foundation’s mission is to raise awareness and research funding for NF.

In June, the Penny’s Flight Foundation threw their inaugural Family Jamboree fundraiser (on Penny’s birthday, June 29th) and had an astounding response, raising over one million dollars! With the foundation still in its infancy, Kate was in awe of the support and so excited about the difference Penny’s legacy is beginning to make for NF research.

In these past few months, Kate has learned a lot about building a foundation but more importantly, how to choose joy by electing to celebrate her daughter’s life and make an impact, instead of mourning her loss. It is said that a butterfly represents an inextinguishable life that is always drawn to the light, which is symbolic of Penny’s memory. Fittingly, the logo for Penny’s Flight is a butterfly.

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