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Alumni Connections

Tabor Alumni Events - Back on the Road!

Tabor Alumni Events - Back on the Road!

Tabor Alumni Events - Back on the Road!

Tabor Alumni Events - Back on the Road!

Tabor Alumni Events - Back on the Road!

Tabor Alumni Events - Back on the Road!

Tabor Alumni Events - Back on the Road!

Tabor Alumni Events - Back on the Road!

Tabor Alumni Events - Back on the Road!

  • Alumni
Alumni Connections
Noel Pardo, Associate Director of Constituent Engagement

As I stepped off the plane in Texas, I could feel my excitement building. I was there to meet with Tabor alums, to talk about the school’s strategic design process, and to discuss essential skills for future graduates. I was also looking forward to catching up with alumni, old and new.

In Houston, I was warmly greeted by my host, former trustee Margaret Griffith and husband Jaime, whose daughters, Mary Frances (Griffith) Szoradi ’05 and Elizabeth Griffith ’07 are graduates of Tabor Academy. We had a small but loyal group in attendance, and I was inspired by our conversation. One alum, Joe Pyne ’66, served as a frogman during the Vietnam War and then returned home to start his own company. What struck me most was Joe’s vision for imbuing today’s students with an entrepreneurial spirit, teaching them the value of hard work, and continuing to make in-person work a priority, particularly early in their careers. With remote work becoming more popular and commonplace, he felt strongly that the office was a place where young professionals develop connections and interpersonal skills that provide critical life lessons. It was clear that Joe’s many experiences had shaped his outlook on life and his dedication to service was truly inspiring.

Moving on to Dallas, we were treated to a wonderful meal and some great conversations regarding the characteristics future graduates must possess when navigating a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous future. We discussed the importance of logic and adaptability in today’s ever-changing world, and weighed how these traits could be best nurtured in current and future students. John Hamilton ’69, Emilie (Douglas) Ball ’97, and Bryce Finley ’17 discussed the merits of various skills through the lens of three generations of Tabor graduates. As we chatted over dinner, I was thrilled to hear the positive feedback that our alumni had for the School by the Sea. They were impressed with the direction the school was headed in and the emphasis administrators, faculty, and staff were placing on preparing our students for life beyond Marion. It was heartening to know that our dedication to excellence was not going unseen.

While coaching the rowing team in Austin over spring break, I met several alumni at a local eatery. I was greeted with smiles and hugs from old friends and students I hadn’t seen in years. Emma Smith ’04 surprised me by bringing her classmate Kate Wolff ’04. It was great to see both of them and learn about their successful careers in nursing and advertising. I reconnected with Jen (Rizy) Bradford ’99, who I last saw when I coached her at Henley Women’s Regatta in England in 1999. It was wonderful hearing about her family, learning about her business, and connecting her with Gia Doonan ’13, a fellow UT Austin alum. AJ Maestas ’14 is thriving and is just about to take his startup to the second growth phase. I was struck by how much they all had grown and what they’d accomplished since I last saw them. It was clear that Tabor prepared them well for the world beyond Sippican Harbor.

The overall sentiment from my many conversations in Texas is that Tabor Academy is executing on its promise to prepare its students for future challenges and opportunities, whatever they be. As I wrapped up my travels, I felt proud to be part of such a dynamic and forward-thinking community. Our alumni are passionate and engaged, and their feedback and insights will help guide our strategy as we design the vision for Tabor’s next 150 years.

If you have suggestions for future events or would like to host one, please reach out to Noel Pardo at The Advancement Office would love to hear from you.